“KUTUB AL SITTAH URDU UNICODE WINWORD FORMAT” by Uploaded by Saddam Naukatola 8210087104 is a thought-provoking exploration of ‘Hadish’. Published in 2023, this literary work is a testament to the author’s dedication to advancing knowledge in their field. The book is housed in the booksbylanguage_urdu,booksbylanguage collection, and its significance is underscored by its 2023-04-02T05:50:48Z publication date. Written in urd, it stands as a valuable contribution to the realm of literature. The has played a crucial role in shaping the narrative, making this book an essential resource for enthusiasts and researchers alike. Its unique kutub-al-sittah sets it apart as a distinctive work in the realm of Hadish. Updated on 2023-04-02T05:50:48Z,2023-04-14T23:43:31Z, this book continues to be a source of inspiration and knowledge for readers worldwide.




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The  Kutub al-Sittah  ( Arabic :  ٱلْكُتُب ٱلسِّتَّة ,  romanized :  al-Kutub as-Sittah ,  lit.   ‘the six books’) are six (originally five) books containing collections of  hadith  (sayings or acts of the  Islamic prophet   Muhammad ) compiled by six  Sunni  Muslim scholars in the ninth century  CE , approximately two centuries after the death of Muhammad. They are sometimes referred to as  al-Sihah al-Sittah , which translates as “The Authentic Six”. They were first formally grouped and defined by  Ibn al-Qaisarani  in the 11th century, who added  Sunan ibn Majah  to the list. [1] [2] [3]  Since then, they have enjoyed near-universal acceptance as part of the official canon of Sunni Islam  Significance [ edit ] Sunni Muslims  view the six major hadith collections as their most important, though the order of authenticity varies between  Madhhabs : [5] Sahih Bukhari , collected by  Imam Bukhari  (d. 256 AH, 870 CE), includes α  7,563 ahadith (including repetitions, around 2,600 without repetitions) [6] [7] Sahih Muslim , collected by  Muslim b. al-Hajjaj  (d. 261 AH, 875 CE), includes 7,500 ahadith (including repetitions, around 3,033 without repetitions) [8] [9] Sunan al-Sughra , collected by  al-Nasa’i  (d. 303 AH, 915 CE), includes 5,270 ahadith (including repetitions) [10] Sunan Abu Dawood , collected by  Abu Dawood  (d. 275 AH, 888 CE), includes 5,274 ahadith (including repetitions) [11] Jami al-Tirmidhi , collected by  al-Tirmidhi  (d. 279 AH, 892 CE), includes 4,400 ahadith (including repetitions, only 83 are repeated) [12] [13] Sunan ibn Majah , collected by  Ibn Majah  (d. 273 AH, 887 CE), includes 4,341 ahadith (including repetitions) [14] The first two, commonly referred to as the  Two Sahihs  as an indication of their authenticity, contain approximately seven thousand hadiths altogether if repetitions are not counted, according to  Ibn Hajar . α [15] Authors [ edit ] The authors of the six collections are as follows: Muhammad b. Isma’il al- Bukhari , the author of the  Sahih Bukhari , which he composed over a period of sixteen years. Traditional sources quote Bukhari as saying that he did not record any hadith before performing ablution and praying. Bukhari died near Samarqand in 256/869–70 Muslim b. Hajjaj al-Naishapuri , who died in Nishapur in 261/874–5 and whose  Sahih Muslim  is second in authenticity only to that of Bukhari. Some Muslim hadith scholars rate the authenticity of  Sahih Muslim  more than  Sahih Bukhari Abu Dawood  Sulaiman b. Ash’ath al-Sijistani, a Persian but of Arab descent, who died in 275/888–9. Muhammad b. ‘Isa  al-Tirmidhi , the author of the well-known as  Sunan al-Tirmidhi , who was a student of Bukhari and died in 279/892–3. Abu ‘Abd al-Rahman  al-Nasa’i , who was from Khurasan and died in 303/915–16. Ibn Majah  al-Qazwini, who died in 273/886–7.

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